
Showing posts from October, 2017

WBAI Rocks!

Welcome to the future site for WBAI Rocks! This site is to rally around WBAI/NY to organize a national women's campaign and contests for * raising awareness and outreach to stop rape, bullying, and all forms and causes of relationship abuse and sexual abuse, * raising $2 million to save WBAI/Pacifica Radio in NY, * creating a network of sustainable investments, microdonations and microloans to support women recovering from rape, trafficking, and other abuses, with a focus on women in business, education, and community development. I would like to thank Trisha Meili for sharing her experiences in her book "I am the Central Park Jogger," inspiring this vision of creating a central business investment hub in NY, as well as Amanda Nguyen of RISE and so many other brave women (from Stuebenville, Stanford, and Hollywood) who have stood up and spoken out to bring out the issue of rape, legal abuse, and bullying victims to national and worldwide attention. One of my